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                                     14                                     60           EDITOR
                                                                                         Rebecca W. Ayers
                                                                                         Amy Steele
                                                                                         DESIGN AND PRODUCTION
                                                                                         EnZed Design
                                                                                         Colin Bane, Dave Belin, Dave Byrd,
                                                                                         Andrew Cholinski, Troy Hawks, Meegan Moszynski,
                                                                                         Halley O’Brien, Hugh Reynolds, Heather Savalox,
                                                                                         Sheila Summers

                                                                                         NSAA STAFF
                                                                                         Kelly Pawlak
                                                                                         RISK & REGULATORY AFFAIRS DIRECTOR
                                                                                         Dave Byrd,
                                                                                         ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR
                                                                                         Wendy Guyerson,
                                                                                         ASSOCIATED MEETINGS DIRECTOR
                                                                                         Jennifer Larson,
                                                                                         FINANCE DIRECTOR
             PG. 6                                PG. 54                                 Laura Lewis,
             Final Numbers from Kottke 2017–18    The Risky Business of Food Safety:
             End of Season Survey                 Minimizing the Hazards of Foodborne    PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR
                                                                                         Geraldine Link,
                                                  Illness and Food-Allergic Reactions
             BY DAVE BELIN
                                                                                         MEETINGS & CONVENTIONS DIRECTOR
                                                  BY HEATHER SAVALOX
             PG. 14                                                                      Tom Moore,
             Letting It Slide: Ski Bikes, Fat Bikes,    PG. 60                           TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTOR
             Ski-Sled Hybrids, and Powered Skis   A National Ski Patrol Update:          Mike Lane,
             Gain Momentum                        News on Bike Patrols, Education        EDUCATION PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR
                                                  Programs, and the Partnership
             BY COLIN BANE                                                               Earl Saline,
                                                  with Area Management
             PG. 24                               BY MEEGAN MOSZYNSKI & SHEILA SUMMERS   SPONSORSHIPS DIRECTOR
             The GDPR: Europe’s Data Privacy                                             Amy Steele,
             Rules a Compliance Nightmare         PG. 62                                 MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTOR
             for US Companies                     Leveraging Youth Programs:             Paige Vickerman,
                                                  Easy and Free Ways to Help Secure
             BY DAVE BYRD                                                                NSAA
                                                  the Future of Snowsports               133 South Van Gordon Street,
                                                  BY ANDREW CHOLINSKI                    Suite 300, Lakewood, CO 80228
             Departments                                                                 The NSAA Journal is an official publication of the National
                                                                                         Ski Areas Association. Articles may be reproduced
                                                                                         when credited to National Ski Areas Association’s NSAA
                                                                                         Journal. The NSAA Journal (ISSN 1530-1087) is published
                   PG. 4                                 PG. 66                          bimonthly (six times a year) by the National Ski Areas
                   Drifts                                New Members                     Association, 133 South Van Gordon Street, Suite 300,
                   Association News,                     NSAA Welcomes Associated,       Lakewood, CO 80228. Only members of NSAA may
                   Event Updates, & More                 Affiliated, & Supplier Members  receive the publication, unless a written request is sent
                                                                                         to NSAA. The annual subscription rate is $25. NSAA
                   PG. 64                                PG. 68                          reserves the right to sell the NSAA Journal to members
                   Face Shots                            Last Lift                       only. Periodicals postage is paid at Denver, Colorado.
                   People, Promotions, Capital           Emojis Are for Emoting:         Postmaster: Please send address changes to:
                   Improvements, & Other                 Why Aren’t There Better Ones
                   Trail-Breaking News                   for Snowsports?                 NSAA Journal, NSAA,133 South Van Gordon Street,
                                                                                         Suite 300, Lakewood, CO 80228.
                                                         BY HALLEY O’BRIEN
                                                                                         Phone (303) 987-1111; Fax (303) 986-2345.

                        ABOUT THE COVER  |  Snowshoe Mountain in West Virginia is one of many ski areas in
                        the country that create and host unique events such as the Wanderlust yoga, music, and
                        outdoor festival.
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