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             Lessons                                                 about the future of their business. Altogether, the survey
             The issue of lesson participation, particularly at the entry   respondents’ total expenditures on capital improvements
             level, has been an area of focus for the industry, especially   increased by 29.2 percent from 2016–17 ($274 million)
             as a key element of the strategy for attracting newcomers   to 2017–18 ($354.1 million). Capital expenditures are                                  ELIMINATE THE GEAR BOX
             to snowsports and converting first-timers into committed,   projected to grow again to $392 million in 2018–19
             long-term participants (also known as beginner conversion).  (up 10.7 percent).                                                    specifically designed and supported by leitner poma,
             Aggregate lessons given decreased by 1.6 percent nation-   Here is some detail on the categorization of the                                          for superior ropeway efficiency
             ally this season. Absolute lesson volumes were up in the   investment amounts:
             Midwest, and down in all five other regions. The share of   •  Spending on other on-mountain facilities/support, the
             visits that included a lesson (i.e., lesson participation rate)   largest category of capital spending, increased from
             held almost steady at 7.7 percent nationally this season,    $132.7 million in 2016–17 to $206 million in 2017–18,
             decreasing only marginally from 7.8 percent last season,    but is expected to dip to $190.5 million in 2018–19.
             while fluctuating at the regional level. Maintaining or   •  Spending on lifts was up from 2016–17 ($56.1 million)
             increasing lesson participation rates remains important    to 2017–18 ($57.8 million) and is projected to rise to
             for the long-term growth of snowsports.                    $102 million in 2018–19.
                 Looking at Level 1 lessons only, the average ski area   •  Expenditures on real estate have been on a downward
             taught 7,428 Level 1 lessons, down 2.1 percent over 2016–17.   trend, declining from $74.9 million in 2016–17 to
             Continued efforts with lesson programs and follow-up aimed   $67.8 million in 2016–17, but is projected to rebound
             at beginners are critical to the long-term health of the industry.   to $86.6 million in 2018–19.
                                                                     •  Dollars invested on summer-/fall-specific on-mountain
             Capital Improvements                                       facilities and support was $10.3 million in 2016–17,
             The amount of capital expenditures in the industry is a good   jumped to $22.4 million in 2017–18, but is expected
             indicator of the level of confidence among resort owners   to fall to $12.9 million in 2018–19.

             Figure 3: Average Annual Snowfall by Region, 2014–15 to 2017–18; 27-season average

                  SNOWFALL (INCHES)                                                                  547
             600       OVERALL       NORTHEAST      SOUTHEAST      MIDWEST       MOUNTAIN       SOUTHWEST      NORTHWEST


             400                                                                                                 388

                                                                                                                      334  334                                                                           VARIABLE FREquENcy DRIVE (VFD) FOR ALL INDucTION MOTORs
                                                                                      307         317
                                                                                   281                    281
                           253                                                             267
                                                                                 214                   224
                        182  181  180
                                     166    174                                                                160
                      142                      136

             100                                                          85                    88
                                       75                            70  70  75
                                                   65      62  63  69
                                                      46  48

                              2014–15     2015–16     2016–17     2017–18     27-SEASON AVERAGE (91–92 TO 17–18)SEASON AVERAGE (91–92 TO 17–18)
                                                                                                                                     TO LEARN MORE, CALL OR VISIT:
                                                                                                                                     970-257-4522  |
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