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year (down 23 percent). Last season the two Pacific regions   in percentage terms, up 15 percent to 111 days). Rocky
             witnessed high volumes of snowfall but decreased amounts   Mountain region ski areas averaged 129 days of operation,
             this season. The Pacific Southwest saw 224 inches, down   up only one day from a year ago. The longest seasons, though
             from 547 last season (down 59 percent), while the Pacific   shorter than the 2016–17 winter, were recorded in the Pacific
             Northwest received 334 inches from 449 last season (down   Northwest (146 days open, down 4 percent) and Pacific
             26 percent). In the Northeast, 174 inches were reported   Southwest (133 days of operation, down 10 percent).
             compared to last season’s four-year high of 200 inches (down   Compared to 27-year historical averages of days open, all
             13 percent).                                            regions experienced more operating days. Overall resorts were
                 Compared to the long-term average (27 seasons of Kottke   open 10 more days than historical records (125 days vs. 115
             records from 1991–92 to 2017–18), and based on the maxi-  days). The Northeast region was up 13 days, the Southeast
             mum resort sample each season, snowfall across the US    up 8 days, the Midwest up 18 days, the Rocky Mountains
             overall was down 9 percent in 2017–18. Snowfall was above   up 1 day, the Pacific Southwest up 1 day, and the Pacific
             average in the Northeast (up 16 percent) and Midwest (up   Northwest up 24 days.
             5 percent), and below average in the Southeast (-6 percent),
             Pacific Northwest (-7 percent), Rocky Mountains (-14    Number of Operating Ski Areas
             percent), and Pacific Southwest (-29 percent).          The number of open and operating US ski resorts declined
                 Despite the decline in snowfall, ski areas were open   to 472 in the 2017–18 season, down by nine from the 481
             more days this season than last. On an overall national basis,   operating ski areas last season. The net number of operat-
             resorts responding to the survey were open an average of 125   ing ski areas this season decreased by three in the Pacific
             days this season, up from 122 days in 2016–17, an increase   Southwest, two each in the Pacific Northwest and Midwest,
             of 2 percent (figure 4). The operating winter season was   and by one each in the Northeast and Rocky Mountains.
             up in the three eastern regions of the country (Northeast,   The number of operating resorts held steady in the Southeast.
             Southeast, Midwest), was flat in the Rocky Mountains, and   In recent seasons, the fluctuation in the number of operating
             was down in the two Pacific regions.                    ski areas has been primarily due to cycles of closure and
                 Ski areas enjoyed slightly longer seasons in the Northeast   re-opening of small resorts, in part because of local weather
             (up 5 percent to 131 days of operation), Southeast (up 6 per-  conditions, or interest among locals in re-opening their
             cent to 103 days of operation), and Midwest (up the most   community ski hill.

             Figure 2: Estimated Snowsports visits by Region, 1978–79 to 2017–18              60.5  59.8  60.5

              SKIER VISITS (MILLIONS)  60  50.2  48.2  50.7  46.9  50.6  51.4  51.9  53.7  53.9  53.3  50.0  46.7  50.8  54.0  54.6  52.7  54.0  52.5  54.1  52.1  52.2  57.3  54.4  57.6  57.1  56.9  58.9  55.1  57.4  51.0  56.9  56.5  53.6  52.8  54.8  53.3

               35       39.7
                   1978–79  1979–80  1980–81  1981–82  1982–83  1983–84  1984–85  1985–86  1986–87  1987–88  1988–89  1989–90  1990–91  1991–92  1992–93  1993–94  1994–95  1995–96  1996–97  1997–98  1998–99  1999–00  2000–01  2001–02  2002–03  2003–04  2004–05  2005–06  2006–07  2007–08  2008–09  2009–10  2010–11  2011–12  2012–13  2013–14  2014–15  2015–16  2016–17  2017–18

             Note: Pacific West visits are segmented by sub region (Pacific Southwest and Pacific Northwest) from 1995–96 to 2013–14. Pacific West visits are reported in aggregate
             total for 1978-79 to 1994-95 (Pacific Southwest and Pacific Northwest breakouts unavailable).

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