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has a good grasp of the balance between income and real cost made the jump from warm-weather, summer-based events
in hosting such events, not to mention the potential for to its first winter, on-snow event hosted at New York’s Greek
things to go south. Weather variability—and its effect on Peak Mountain Resort. In March, at the tail end of the ski
attendance—is one of the biggest gambles since it can cause season, the Spartan winter version brought out more than
attendance to fluctuate as much as 50 percent, he says. 5,000 participants and spectators to the slopes of Greek Peak
Opportunity costs are another important consideration. to tackle the obstacles and the elements. The event attracted
“Although Spartan [organizers are] pretty good at being racers from all over the world to this rural upstate ski area near
self-sufficient and putting things back as they were given to New York’s Finger Lakes region to compete in this first-of-its- SERVING THE SKI INDUSTRY SINCE 1962
them, they still require a fair amount of our mountain team’s kind winter format. According to Jessica Sloma, Greek Peak’s
assistance both in preparation for the event and in post-event marketing director, attendance was up from the prior year,
cleanup,” Haggerty says. “Also, there is the opportunity cost and the resort is already planning for its March 9, 2019, race.
of the time spent working on the event that could have been Despite the success that these races are currently enjoy-
spent in readying our core ing, participants’ tastes can
businesses for opening our change like the wind (as
waterpark in spring and skiing Sinatra croons . . . “Just cause
in fall. We take a hard look at you’re riding high in May
this after each event, and so far ONE STYLE OF EVENT doesn’t mean you can’t be shot
the benefits have continued to THAT HAS RISEN TO down in June”—hey, I’m from
outweigh the costs.” Jersey!). With that in mind,
Aside from the financial tremendous resorts should be always ask-
benefits associated with host- ing themselves, What’s next?
ing a race such as this, there popularity What is the next Spartan or
are also the brand benefits OVER THE PAST Tough Mudder that is poised to
of introducing your moun- DECADE IS THE explode? What type of event(s)
tain and your brand to a “adventure race” should we be considering adding
new customer who may have to our mix to lure more guests to
never thought of visiting the mud/obstacle our property and generate more
mountain before for skiing/ challenge revenue for the resort?
snowboarding, for other events, Chandler Burgess/ Killington Resort Whether it’s with a small-
or in other seasons. While results scale event tailored to a specific
on making the crossover from market or a full-blown festi-
racers to skiers varies among the resorts we have spoken with, val designed for a large, general audience, several resorts are
almost all list this potential as a key benefit. already dialed in to the benefits of hosting various types of
While Perfect North, Killington, Mountain Creek, and gatherings to increase visits in different seasons. At Snowshoe
many other ski areas are enjoying success from hosting these Mountain in West Virginia, events have a key role in marketing
events, will they be able to count on them as reliable sources to attract guests for multi-day stays.
of income during warm-weather months for years to come? “As a long-drive destination, we use events to fill in the
Realistically, how much longer will the public’s infatuation gaps in the off-season or to give reasons for guests to come
with adventure races persist, especially with the notoriously and stay with us at slower parts of the season, like the early
fickle and low-attention spans of Millennials? spring in the case of our Ballhooter music festival,” says
Spartan and Tough Mudder brands have clearly been Frank DeBerry, the resort’s president and COO. Snowshoe’s
asking themselves the same questions, and have recently Ballhooter festival, now in its seventh year, offers a number of
introduced new offerings in the effort to stay relevant and concert acts each March to coincide with spring break for stu-
fresh. Recently, Tough Mudder added the Tough 5K and dents from the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast. Each spring the
Tough Half events, designed for a more entry-level challenge festival brings thousands of participants—skiers and non-skiers
and as a way to attract new participants (i.e., younger, less alike—to the mountain at a time when the ski season would
athletic) who may be intimidated by the perceived rigors traditionally be winding down.
of the traditional obstacle race format. Two other events that also have performed very well for
Spartan, too, has rolled out shorter distance events, and Snowshoe are the Grand National Cross Country off-road
has seen much success with them. And in 2017 the brand motorcycle racing series and the Wanderlust yoga, music, and @mtnguard