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for unique proprietary events, not cookie-cutter experiences.”  While the resort hosts the typical assortment of events
                 In that respect, Human Movement collaborates with   throughout the year that are designed to get maximum
             resorts to create experiences that are unique to their brand,   participation out to the mountain, its largest event is Music
             Suffolk says. Some of these lower-volume, higher touch-  on the Mountain, purposely capped in attendance to
             point event brands that he’s talking about include successful    protect the guest experience and maintain an intimate feel.
             events series such as the Under Armour Trail Running Series,   Now in its fifth year, this annual concert event brings top-
             the Subaru Winterfest, and the Fjallraven Classic trekking    name acts to the slopes for one night a year. This year’s head-
             event (a multi-day hiking and mountaineering event and   lining act was country superstars Big & Rich, and although
             outdoor exploration). Each, while pulling smaller numbers,   ticket sales were limited to only 2,500, costing a mere $40
             offers participants a multi-faceted experience that is authentic   each, the resort was able to raise more than $100,000 after
             both to the host location and the sponsor’s brands, and that   production expenses to help fund future development and
             promotes connections to the outdoors, which aligns with   programs at the mountain. This was done primarily through
             our core winter branding. This                                                    sales of sponsorships among
             change in strategy is a big                                                       the local community, says
             pivot for a company that was                                                      Jeff Staley, the resort’s gen-
             accustomed to producing and                                                       eral manager. That’s a pretty
             executing events that attracted                           RESORTS ARE ALREADY     impressive feat for a resort of
             a few million participants per                              DIALED IN TO THE      any size, let alone for one with
             year. In other words, they are                                                    full-time year-round staff of
             not focusing on the high-                                    benefits             about 10 people.
             volume model for promoting                                                           “First and foremost our
             unique events.                                             of hosting             strategy [for events] is to make
                 But  Suffolk  says  he  truly                            VARIOUS TYPES        a profit that justifies the time
             believes this is the best direc-                           OF GATHERINGS TO       and energy it takes to plan and
             tion for his partner brands                                increase visits        put on the event,” Staley says.
             moving  forward.  “We’re still                                                    “One of the common miscon-
             creating events you want to   Courtesy of Snowshoe Mountain Resort  in different   ceptions with being a nonprofit
             brag to your friends about.                                    seasons.           organization is that our goal
             We’re just building them to                                                       is not to make a profit. This
             a more focused customer                                                           couldn’t be further from the
             group,” he says.                                                                  truth. We run our events and
                 A lot resorts are killing it when it comes to creating their   business like any other business. The difference is that we
             own focused, themed events. About 8,000 people recently   reinvest 100 percent of the profit back into the facility and
             attended the 4th Annual Mac and Cheese fest at Copper   programs. If we’re going to spend X dollars on producing
             Mountain, Colo.—two days of sampling different versions   an event, then I want to make sure that we’re going to at
             of the dish (courtesy of restaurants throughout Summit   least make X times 2 dollars in return.”
             County), eating contests, live music, and other activities.   But given all of the ski industry’s insights and expertise
             Food tickets were $1 each, with four to seven tickets required   with hosting and promoting unique events, the question
             for each sample. On a smaller scale, Bear Creek Mountain   remains as to what is on the horizon for the next Tough
             Resort, Penn., just hosted its first-ever Food Truck Festival,   Mudder or Wanderlust, or how to replicate the stunning
             featuring 30 food vendors, live entertainment, a beer garden,   successes of Snowbird’s Ocktoberfest without being a copycat.
             and lawn games—all for $5 ($8 at the door); free for kids    Given the infamously capricious and ever-changing attitudes
             12 and under. The resort sold about 1,500 tickets.      of Millennials, what is the next successful event-driven busi-
                 Yet another resort that is adhering to the quality-over-   ness model that will capture their fascination—and wallets?
             quantity strategy is Detroit Mountain Recreation Area
             in Minnesota. Owned by the town of Detroit Lakes        Hugh Reynolds is the vice president of marketing and sales
             (population 9,165) and operated by a not-for-profit man-  for SNOW Operating, which works to help increase trial
             agement group, Detroit Mountain’s mission is to serve    and conversion rates industry-wide through their acclaimed
             the community by offering year-round mountain-based     Terrain Based Learning™ and Conversion & Growth resort
             recreation and entertainment.                           partner programs.

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