Page 101 - Pharmacognosy-II (06-PG 303)
P. 101
Roots containing isoquinoline alkaloids
1. Ipecaquanha roots عرق الذهب
Botanical origin:They are the fragmented and dried underground organs of
Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Brot.) A. Rich., known as Matto Grosso ipecacuanha, or
of Cephaelis acuminata Karsten, known as Costa Rica ipecacuanha, or of a
mixture of both species.
They contain not less than 2.0 per cent of total alkaloids, calculated as emetine
with reference to the dried drug.
Thay have a very slight, sternutatory odour and a bitter, nauseous and somewhat
acrid taste.
1. Alkaloids ( main constituents )
– (2-4% ) isoquinoline alkaloids
– emetine, cephaeline (both up to 98 %), psychotrine , psychotrine
methyl ether.
2. Glycosides :
• isoquinoline glycoside: ipecoside.