Page 57 - Applied Pharmacognosy
P. 57

Types of Chemical markers

       TLC assay for quality control of ginger (B.P.)

•Stationary phase: using a TLC silica gel plate R.
• Test solution: To 1.0 g of the powdered drug add 5 ml of
methanol . Shake for 15 min and filter.

• Reference solution: Dissolve 10 µl of citral and 10 mg of
resorcinol in 10 ml of methanol .
• Application: Apply to the plate as bands, 20 µl of each solution.
•Development: Develop over a path of 15 cm in an unsaturated
chromatographic tank using a mixture of 40 volumes of hexane
and 60 volumes of ether. Allow the plate to dry in air.
•Visualisation: Spray the plate with a 10 g/l solution of vanillin in
sulphuric acid and examine in daylight while heating at 100 °C for
10 min.
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