Page 51 - Quality control of pharmaceuticals (07-PA 704)
P. 51

Example (2):

Comment on the following data obtained from 9 experiments of 3 concentration
levels, each one repeated 3 times.

Range         75%          100%                 125%
               (a)          (b)                  (c)

Sample No.          100.3  Percentage recovery   99.6
      1             98.8             98.7       102.4
      2             99.5            101.8       101.8
      3             99.37            99.9       101.27

   Mean                            100.13

Grand mean: (Ʃ ai + Ʃbi + Ʃci) /9 = 100.26
Overall standard deviation S = 1.76
Overall coefficient of variation, CV% = (1.76/100.26) × 100 = 1.75%

The results are accurate, since the synthetic mixtures contain 100.0% analyte and the
average mean = 100.26 and coefficient of variation less than 2%

• The precision of an analytical procedure describes the closeness or agreement

   between a series of measurements obtained from multiple sampling of the
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