Page 93 - Pharmacognosy-I (02-06-06-102)
P. 93
Test for identity:
1- Treat a little of powdered santonica with few drops of N/2
alcoholic potassium hydroxide, an orange-yellow colour is
2- Test for santonin (Quazibach test):
Powdered santonica (0.5 gm) was shaken with 5 ml benzene
for 4 min and filtered. The filtrate was evaporated to dryness in a
porcelain dish; 2-3 drops of sodium methoxide reagent was added
to the margin of the residue and the dish again warmed where a red
colour was produced.
3- Thin layer chromatography : (TLC)
The chief anthelminitic constituent of the drug is the
sesuiterpene lactone santonin. Worm seed also contains volatile oil
2% consisting mainly of cineol. It contains also a crystalline
lactone, artemisin related to santonin.
Wormseed has been replaced by santonin which is very
efficient in its action on round worms (e.g. Ascaris). It has less
effect on thread worms but none on taenia.