Page 195 - Pharmaceutics IV (02-06-01305)
P. 195
Radiation Safety
Side Effects
a-Hair loss
b-GIT irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,& stomach upset.
c-Low white blood cell count (Leucopenia).
d-Local side effects such as reddening &itchiness of the skin .
e-Oral mucositis, leading to sore mouth or oral ulcers.
Doses higher than 30 µCi are administered in hospital setting to
ensure adequate safety monitoring .
Avoiding unintended exposure to radiation in a laboratory settings a
key function of the organizational of the environmental health &
safety (EHS) organisations. When handling radioactive materials
(such as the
use of fume hoods & proper storage &disposal of radioactive
material &contaminating waste).
Recommended protection guidelines
1-Time :Shorter time &duration use of radioisotopes, quik&efficient
2-Distance :The farther from the source of radiation,the lower the
dose of radiation exposure.Avoid physical contact with radioactive
material ,use devices to manipulate or move stored containers of
radioactive material.
3-Quantity: Multiple procurements of small quantities are preferred
Over purchasing &storing one large quantity.