Page 133 - Biochemistry PharmD General
P. 133

Uses of NADPH

1. Reductive biosynthesis

    NADPH is a high energy molecule and electron donor. It is
    required as a source of electrons for biosynthesis of FA,
    cholesterol, sterols, hormones, and bile salts.

2.  Rlipeiddusc–tiornepoefrfHus2iOon2:  ROS-damage DNA, proteins, unsaturated
                                        injuries, cancer, inflammatory diseases,

Enzymes that catalyze Antioxidant reactions

       Glutathione peroxidase or GOD [using reduced Glutathione or
       GSH which is active as antioxidant, present in most cells which
       can detoxify H2O2 ].

       Glutathione reductase or GR [regenerates GSH from oxidized
       glutathione formed in the above reaction] using NADPH as a
       source of electrons.

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