Page 202 - Biochemistry PharmD General
P. 202

• The accumulation of ketones in body fluids, decreased pH,
    electrolyte loss and dehydration from excessive urination, and
    alterations in the bicarbonate buffer system result in diabetic
    ketoacidosis (DKA). Untreated DKA can result in coma or death.

• DKA Results from breakdown of fat and overproduction of
    ketones by the liver and loss of bicarbonate.

• Occurs when Diabetes Type 1 is undiagnosed or known diabetic has
    increased energy needs, when under physical or emotional stress
    or fails to take insulin. Mortality as high as 14%.

Diagnostic tests…                                        201

     a) Blood glucose greater than 250 mg/dL
     b) Blood pH less than 7.3
     c) Blood bicarbonate less than 15 mEq/L
     d) Ketones present in blood
     e) Ketones and glucose present in urine
     f) Electrolyte abnormalities (Na, K, Cl)
     g) serum osmolality < 350 mosm/kg (normal 280-300)
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