Page 87 - year book 2023-24
P. 87

A session on safe & unsafe touch was held by Ms. Priti from
                                                     Thalir Foundation for the students of Classes 3 to 8. The
                                                     session  was  informative  and  engaging,  in  which  the
                                                     speaker used a variety of methods to keep the students'

                                                     attention, including storytelling and active discussion.Ms.
                                                     Priti  made  sure  to  use  age-appropriate  language  and
                                                     concepts, and delivered all her points clearly.
                                                     Specific topics that were covered:

                                                         ·  The difference between safe and unsafe touch
                                                         ·  The importance of speaking up if someone makes
                                                            you feel uncomfortable
                                                         ·  Who to tell if you have been abused

                                                         ·  How to protect yourself from abuse
                                                         ·  Ms. Priti was very knowledgeable and passionate
                                                            about the topic.

                                                         ·  She created a safe and supportive environment for
                                                            the  students  to  ask  questions  and  share  their
                                                         ·  The activities and discussions were engaging and

                                                            helped the students to learn about safe & unsafe
                                                            touch in a fun and interactive way.
                                                     Overall, the session was a valuable learning experience for
                                                     the students. It is highly recommended to students of all

                                                     other  classes  also.  We  are  grateful  to  the  school
                                                     management for organizing this session.
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