Page 33 - PSLgurmatbook62020
P. 33

Lesson 12: Vadda Ghallughara

               In  1757,  the  army  of  Ahmad  Shah  Abdali  attacked  Amritsar  and
               destroyed Harimandar Sahib and fort Ram Rauni. This is when Baba

               Deep  Singh  Ji  fought  with  the  Abdali  soldiers,  killed  many  and
               attained martyrdom at Harimandar Sahib.

               In  1761,  Ahmad  Shah  Abdali  was  going  back  to  Afghanistan  along

               with  camel  loads  of  gold  and  about  2000  abducted  Hindu  girls  in

               1761. But Sikhs attacked his caravan and rescued the girls just like
               they had done with Nadir Shah’s caravan. This made Abdali mad.

               When he left India, there were no strong leaders left behind. Sikhs

               conquered  small  villages  near  Amritsar  and  Jalandhar.  They  also

               conquered Lahore.

               The  Sikhs  were  now  in  power.  They  passed  a  resolution  to  capture

               and  punish  those  who  had  helped  Ahmad  Shah  Abdali.  One  such

               helper  of  Abdali  was  Aqil  Das  of  Jandiala,  a  village  between
               Jalandhar and Ludhiana.

               Aqil Das wrote to Ahmad Shah Abdali and asked him to help fight

               with the Sikhs. In 1762, Abdali was already on his way back to India
               for his sixth conquest.

               Sikhs expected Abdali to return to India and continue fighting him,

               but  they  wanted  to  bring  their  own  families  to  safety  before
               fighting  with  him.  About  30,000  Sikhs  were  gathered  in  Kupp

               Rahirha  (near  Maler  Kotla)  with  their  families  and  all  their

               belongings. But Ahmad Shah Abdali’s forces reached the village of
               Kupp  very  quickly  by  the  morning  of  February  5.  The  Sikhs  were

               surprised.  Immediately  they  held  a  council.  They  decided  to  die

               fighting.  Of  course,  they  could  have  saved  themselves  by
               surrendering  and  giving  up  their  faith,  but  the  thought  never

               crossed their minds.

               Sikh History and Gurmat Sikhia Book 6             2020 Edition                  Page 31
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