Page 20 - PSL Book 5A-2023 Edition
P. 20

pwT 7 mW-bolI kivqw
                                                        dljIq kOr torONto
             ieh Sbd is`Ko[ Agly h&qy spYilMg tYst hovygw[
             Sbd         mqlb        Sbd               mqlb            Sbd                  mqlb
             1. ilKq     writing     6. sdIAW          centuries       11. bolIAW pweIey  sing couplets in giddha

             2. inAwrI  unique       7. ijMd qy jwn  life              12. slok             salok-poetry
             3. svwrI  decorated  8. Apmwn             insult/dishonor  13. kw&I            kind of poetry
             4. soihly   praises     9. p~kI           firm/solid      14. Swn vDweIey  increase prestige

             5. aucwrI  uttered      10. inBwauNdI     fulfills        15. hox nw dyeIey  not let it happen
             Read the poem and answer questions.
             mW-bolI pMjwbI bolI                                Mother-tongue Punjabi language

             im~TI Aqy ipAwrI bolI[                             Is a sweet and endearing language.
             pMj Awb nwl juVI ieh bolI                          It is connected to the Five Waters

             gurUAW qy pIrW dI bolI[                            Is the language of the Gurus and Peers.

             sdIAW qoN ieh bolI jWdI                            Is spoken from centuries

             l~KW dy ieh bol inBwauNdI[                         It fulfills the word of millions.
             bu~ly Swh dI kw&I gwauNdI[                         It sings the Kaafi of Bulleh Shah

             bwbw &rId dy slok suxwauNdI[                       It tells the Saloks of Farid.

             gurU nwnk ny mu~KoN aucwrI                         Guru Nanak uttered it from His mouth

             gurU AMgd ny ilKq svwrI[                           Guru Angad beautified its writing.

             swnUM lgdI bhuq ipAwrI                             It is very dear to us
             mW-bolI im~TI ieh inAwrI[                          Mother-tongue, it’s sweet and unique.

             pMjwbIAW dI p~kI pihcwx                            It is the identity of Punjabis
             krdyy ies dw bhuqw mwx[                            They are very proud of it.

             pMjwbI swfI ijMd qy jwn                            Punjabi is our life and existence

             hox nw dyeIey ies dw Apmwn[                        We will not let it be insulted.

             pMjwbI ivc bolIAW pweIey                           Let’s sing boliaan in Punjabi

             cutkly sux ky h~sIey hsweIey[                      Laugh while we listen to the jokes.

             Gr Gr ies dy soihly gweIey                         In every home, let’s sing its praises

             rl ky ies dI Swn vDweIey[ (98 Words)               And together we raise its glory.
             Follow Up Activity: Find and circle vocabulary words
             in the poem. Then choose your favorite stanza. Read it to class.

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