Page 72 - PSLBook4A-2023
P. 72

pwT 24.1 pMjwbI Aqy gurmuKI dw ieiqhws
              Learn the vocabulary words. These will also be your spelling words next week. Then read the
              essay and answer questions.  ieh spYilMg Sbd is`Ko[ AglI klws ivc tYst hovygw[

                    Words                     Meanings                      Words              Meanings
              1.  gurmuKI         from mouth of the Guru             7.  srkwrI kMm       official work

              2.  ieiqhws         history                            8.  bhuqy            more/most
              3.  lgBg            approximately                      9.  dunIAW Br        in the world

              4.  il~pI           script/letters/alphabet            10.  hux             now
              5.  icMnH           symbols                            11.  ielwikAW        in areas
              6.  lgW-mwqrw       vowel symbols                      12.  mu~KoN          from mouth

              pMjwbI bolI lgBg bwrW sO (1200) swl qoN bolI jWdI hY[ bwbw &rId Aqy bwbw

              bu~ly Swh ny pMjwbI ivc AwpxI kivqw ilKI[ pMjwbI isr& pMjwb dI bolI nhIN[

              pMjwbI  koeI  n~by  imlIAn  lokW  dI  mW-bolI  hY[  pMjwbI  bolx  vwly  bhuqy  lok

              pwiksqwn ivc Aqy pMjwb ivc rihMdy hn[ pMjwbI bolI dunIAW iv~c igAwrvyN

              nMbr dI bolI Aqy AmrIkw dy bhuq ielwikAW iv~c pMjvyN nMbr dI bolI mMnI

              jWdI hY[ kYnyfw iv~c pMjwbI cOQy nMbr qy hY[

              pMjwbI  Aqy  gurmuKI  v~KrIAW  hn[  gurmuKI  Sbd  dw  ArQ  hY  gurU  dy  mUMh  jW

              mu~KoN[ gurmuKI dw mqlb ieh vI ho skdw hY-jo quhwfw mUMh gurU v`l lY jwvy[

              gurmuKI swnUM gurU nwl joVdI hY, swfw mUMh gurU v`l krdI hY[ gurU swihbwn ny

              gurmuKI ivc gurbwxI ilKI[ qusIN gurmuKI ivc hI jpujI swihb dw pwT pVHdy

              ho[ gurmuKI iek il~pI hY Aqy AsIN gurmuKI ivc ilKdy hW[ qusIN gurmuKI ivc

              ieh ikqwb pVHdy ho[ qusIN gurmuKI ivc pRSnW dy au~qr ilKdy ho[ pMjwbI iek

              bolI hY Aqy AsIN ieh boldy hW[ AsIN pMjwbI ivc g`lbwq krdy hW[

              gurmuKI  il~pI  ivc  iekqwlI  (41)  A~Kr,  ds  mwqrw  AvwzW,  Aqy  Cy  Avwz

              bdlx  vwly  icMn  hn[  gurmuKI  il~pI  dy  A~Kr  iqMn  hzwr  swl  purwxI  bRhmI

              il~pI nwl imldy hn[ gurU AMgd dyv jI ny bRhmI A~KrW nUM bdilAw[ auhnW ny

              aUVy nUM pihlw A~Kr bxwieAw[ auhnW ny lgW mwqrw bxweIAW[ gurU Arjn dyv

              jI ny iehnW A~KrW nUM gurmuKI ikhw Aqy gurbwxI ilKx leI vriqAw[(239 words)
              Follow-up Activity: Circle all the vocabulary words in the essay.

           Stepping Stones PSL Punjabi Reader Book 4A               2023 Ed                        Page 70
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