Page 37 - PSLBook3A-2023
P. 37
Lesson 13 Baghel Singh’s Family bGyl isMG dw pirvwr
In this lesson you will learn about the two sounds of the letter G.
Read these words and learn their meanings. You will have a Spelling test next week.
Word Meaning Word Meaning
1. pMGUVy ivc in crib 7. KMG cough
2. Gu~t ky pressed tightly 8. bGyl Baghel
3. CwqI nwl lwieAw held close to chest 9. aus nUM him
4. cu~p ho igAw became quiet 10. GUk deep sleep
5. Grvwlw husband 11. sMG throat
6. GrvwlI wife 12. au~cI loud/high
Figurative Language-Repeated Words: Sometimes we use special or two of the same words
to emphasize an action or a feeling. What do these underlined words mean? First two are
done for you.
sMG pwV ky ro irhw sI[ crying out loudly… screaming
roNdy-roNdy aus nUM bhuq KMG AweI[ while crying…
KMG-KMG ky aus dw glw duK igAw[
ro ro ky aus dIAW A~KW su~j geIAW[
Read the story. Circle all the G words.
G~gy ipMf dy iek Gr iv~c bGyl isMG rihMdw
sI[ aus nwl aus dI GrvwlI GUrI vI rihMdI
sI[ auhnW dw Cotw b~cw GolU vI rihMdw sI[
iek idn GolU au~cI-au~cI, sMG pwV ky ro irhw
sI[ roNdy-roNdy GolU nUM bhuq KMG AweI[ KMG
KMG ky aus dw glw duK igAw[ A`KW su`j
geIAW[ mW ny GolU nUM cu~ikAw[ Gu~t ky CwqI
nwl lwieAw[ bhuq ipAwr kIqw[ GolU cu~p ho
igAw[ mW ny aus nUM pMGUVy ivc pw id~qw[ GolU
CyqI hI GUk sON igAw[ (85words)
Stepping Stones PSL Reader 3A 2023 Edition 35