Page 40 - PSLBook3A-2023
P. 40
Lesson 14 Herd of Buffaloes and Bulls
m~JW Aqy JoitAW dw JuMf
In this lesson you will learn about the two sounds of the letter J.
Read these words and learn their meanings. You will have spelling test next week.
Punjabi Word Meaning Punjabi Word Meaning Punjabi Word Meaning
1. pihlW first 7. m~JW buffaloes 13. JwVI bush
2. Jotw bull 8. iknwry on the edge 14. JwVIAW bushes
3. Joty bulls 9. JIl lake 15. koJw ijhw ugly looking
4. JoitAW dw of bulls 10. au~Qy there 16. bq^W ducks
5. vV jWdIAW enter 11. Jtpt fast/quickly 17. JuMF herd/group
6. msW hI barely 12. Gu`t sips/gulps 18. dupihrI noon time
Read the story. Circle all the words with J in it.
iek JIl sI[ JIl
ivc bq^W sn[ JIl
dy iknwry JwVIAW
sn[ hr roz dupihrI,
JwVIAW dy ip~CoN cwr-
pMj BUry JoitAW dw JuMf
AwauNdw[ pihlW Joty
JIl iv~coN pwxI pINdy[
iPr auh JwVIAW dy p~qy KWdy[ iPr JIl ivc vV jWdy[ kdI
kdI pMj-s~q BUrIAW Aqy kwlIAW m~JW vI JIl qy pwxI pIx
Aw jWdIAW[ auh msW do-cwr Gu`t pwxI pINdIAW[ auhnW nUM dyK
ky iek koJw ijhw Jotw auhnW dy ip~Cy B~jdw[ m~JW fr jWdIAW
Aqy Jtpt JwVIAW dy dUjy pwsy dOV jWdIAW[ (84 words)
Punjabi Culture: Sometimes we speak approximate numbers. When we say do-cwr, pMj-
s~q, A`T-ds. That means a few. It is not an exact number, but is an estimate.
Reading Comprehension Exercises: Write any six nouns (things) from the story.
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Stepping Stones PSL Reader 3A 2023 Edition 38