Page 43 - PSLBook3A-2023
P. 43

Reading 15 Buddhu’s Donkey bu~DU dw gDw

             In this lesson you will learn about the two sounds of the letter D.

             Read these words and learn their meanings. You will have a spelling test from these
             words next week.
             Punjabi Word      Meaning      Punjabi Word           Meaning          Punjabi Word     Meaning
             1. hr             every       11. dOiVAw              ran              21. sotI         stick

             2. JIl            lake        12. D~kw                shove            22. DrqI         earth
             3. nhw lYNdw      took bath  13. Du~p                 sunlight         23. dovyN        both
             4. nyVy           near        14. Doxw                to wash          24. ikDr         where

             5. ruk igAw       stopped     15. pqw hI nw l~gw  didn’t realize  25. kMD               wall
             6. jw rhy sn  were going 16. A~Dw rwh                 midway           26. A~DI         half
             7. nw quirAw      didn’t walk  17. mwrI               hit              27. ieMnI qyz  so fast

             8. Avwz           sound       18. sux ky              after hearing  28. fr igAw  got scared
             9. ivc            inside/in   19. nwl                 with             29. nUM          to
            10. vl             towards     20. lY ky               took along       30. ik           that

             Activity 1: Read the story. Circle all the D words.
              hr bu~Dvwr bu~DU Awpxw gDw lY ky JIl qy jWdw[

              gDw pwxI pINdw qy bu~DU JIl ivc nhw lYNdw[
              iek vwrI auh dovyN JIl vl jw rhy sn[ A~Dy

              rwh ivc iek kMD AweI[ kMD dy nyVy jw ky gDw

              ruk igAw[ bu~DU ny gDy nUM D~kw id~qw, pr gDw

              nw quirAw[ bu~DU ny gDy nUM A~DI gwjr id~qI[
              gDw Jtpt gwjr qW Kw igAw, pr quirAw nw[

              bu~DU ny DrqI qy iek sotI jor nwl mwrI[ gDw

              sotI dI Avwz sux ky fr igAw[ gDw ieMnI qyz
              dOiVAw ik bu~DU nUM pqw hI nw l~gw ik gDw

              ikDr igAw[ (101 words)

             Reading Comprehension: Write answers to the questions.
             1. bu~DU iks idn gDy nwl JIl qy jWdw sI?


             Stepping Stones PSL Reader 3A                               2023 Edition                                                  41
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