Page 46 - PSLBook3A-2023
P. 46

Reading 16 Pohloo’s Pahloo BolU dw BwlU

             In this lesson you will learn about the two sounds of the letter B.

             Read these words and learn their meanings.
            Words           Meaning        Words                 Meaning                 Words         Meaning
             suMiGAw        smelled         dupihrI vI           in the afternoon too     qy           on top
             dyiKAw         saw             SwmI vI              in the evening too       r~Kdw        kept

             KuSI-KuSI      happily         rwqI vI              at night too             pr           but

             kdI kdI        sometimes       svyry vI             in the morning too       bWty         marbles
             roieAw         cried           &rk nw pYNdw         didn’t matter            nrm          soft

             hr vyly        all the time    kol                  near/close by            BUrw         brown

             BolU iek Cotw is~K muMfw sI[ aus dw mnpsMd rMg BUrw sI[ aus

             dy isr qy jUVw sI Aqy jUVy qy BUrw ptkw sI[ aus kol iek BUry

             rMg dw BwlU sI ijs dw mMUh ic~tw sI, n`k

             kwlw  sI  qy  A~KW  bWitAW  vrgIAW  goL-

             goL qy kwlIAW sn[ BwlU nrm vI sI[

             BolU  BwlU  nUM  hr  vyly  Awpxy  kol  rKdw[

             svyry  vI,  dupihrI  vI,  SwmI  vI  qy  rwqI

             vI,  BwlU  BolU  dy  kol  hI  huMdw[  auh  kdI

             kdI BwlU nUM suMGdw[ BwvyN BwlU bhuq gMdw

             ho igAw sI, aus iv`coN bo AwauNdI sI, pr

             BolU nUM ies nwl koeI &rk nw pYNdw[

             iek  idn  BolU  dI  v~fI  BYx  BolI  ny  BwlU  Do  id~qw[  KuSI-KuSI

             BolI ny sw& BwlU BolU nUM id~qw[

             BolU  ny sw& BwlU nUM dyiKAw[ BwlU nUM suMiGAw[ BolU sw& BwlU nUM

             dyK ky bhuq roieAw[ BolU ikauN roieAw?                                         (141 Words)

             Activity: Circle all the B words in this story.

             Stepping Stones PSL Reader 3A                               2023 Edition                                                  44
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