Page 2 - Happy Birhtay Kakay-Ajit
P. 2
Speaking about a dearest friend is like writing your own citation.
You can neither tell the whole truth nor can hide anything. One has
gone through so much together that it
indeed hurts to realize that we have left
so much behind and have moved continents
and oceans apart.
Jagtinderpal came into my life at the
tender age of 10 years. Since then we have
had a wonderful relation. I don't know who
gave him the nickname Kaka. He was
anything but Kaka. Had I been given the
chance to name him I would have named
him Pataka. Little Shaittan Dee Tooti.
By being Kaka he always managed to take advantage of it by
cuddling up to big aunties and even big girls. Who won't look at us