Page 6 - Happy Birhtay Kakay-Ajit
P. 6

standards, especially when we grew up into boys. I used

                                             to feel so jealous when every Aunty, every female teacher

                                             and lady family friends will hold him close to them. And I

                                             remember his looks, not very innocent certainly not. And

                                             He always seemed to be in no hurry to disengage himself

                                             from these embraces. He giggled innocently though, very

                                             deceptive indeed. (Kaka !! should have been named

               Pataka.) (Pataka, incidentally means a fire cracker).

               In  college  we  made  use  of  his  persuasive,  alluring,

               innocent  charm  to  try  and  get  friendly  with  girls,  who

               would invariably agree for a get together. Kaka never

               gave an impression to any one of those girls that he is

               interested only in her. So, all would try their charm on

               him. If you don’t believe me, just ask him who roll no. 52

               was  and  see  him  blushing.  Now  you  know  how  he

               managed to net a charming girl like Anju.
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