Page 14 - Gurmat Book 7
P. 14

created by Waheguru. Along with that, Waheguru created some laws of nature

             that govern the motion and behavior of everything. For example, the force of
             gravity binds us to the earth. We find that anything that goes up comes down

             because of gravity. On a bigger scale it makes the earth go around the Sun and

             creates the different seasons we have. Moon goes around the earth due to force
             of gravity.

             All the matter in the universe is following Waheguru’s laws. But the universe is

             too complex for human beings to fully understand or describe it. Guru Nanak Dev

             Ji says in the second Paudi of JapuJi Sahib,
                                       ਹੁਿਿੀ ਹੋਕਵਨ ਆਿਾਰ  ਹੁਿਿੁ ਨ ਿਕਹਆ ਜਾਈ ॥

             It means everything is created according to the Hukam, but the Hukam cannot be


             The question often asked is, if everything is pre-ordained, how are we to act? Do
             we have any choice or responsibility?

             Waheguru, besides giving us commands, has also given us thinking power to decide

             between the good and the bad. It is because of that, we pray in our Ardas for

             “Bibek Budh” i.e. intellect to decide between good and bad. If we align our
             thinking and actions with the Will of Waheguru, we will become truthful and

             humble. We will then think of doing good for Waheguru’s creation. This includes
             doing good for ourselves, but without harming others or the environment. We will

             be happier, peaceful and more successful.

             Many times, such choices are difficult. It is because of that we need to pray, to
             do Naam Japo to experience Waheguru around us and to seek the guidance from

             Waheguru. Being in Sangat (company) of other Gurmukhs and having discussions

             with them can be helpful in making the right decisions.

             Chapter Questions

             1.     Find and copy at least 2 other Shabads from Gurbani referencing Hukam.

             You may use

             Stepping Stones PSL Gurmat Sikhia Book 7G                          2023 Edition                                                                           Page  12
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