Page 17 - PSLBook7A2021EdLesson16-20
P. 17
bMdw isMG bhwdr dy nwl jo is~K sn auh bMdw isMG nUM
igAwrvW gurU mMnx l~gy[ auhnW nUM bMdeI Kwlsw ikhw
jwx l~gw[ auh is~K sn[ auh AMimRq Ckdy[ gurU gRMQ
swihb nUM Awpxw gRMQ qW mMndy pr auhnW dw gurU bMdw
isMG bhwdr hI sI[ auh mws nhIN KWdy sn[
ieh g~l gurU goibMd isMG jI dy Kwlsy nUM brdwSq nhIN
sI ik koeI igAwrvW gurU hovy[ bMdeI Kwlsw Aqy q~q
Kwlsw dovNy dl iek dUjy qoN v~Kry ho gey qy iek dUjy nUM
n&rq krn l~gy[ Awps ivc lVx l~gy[ sqwrW sO
ie~kI (1721) ivc bMdeI nUM Kwlsw pMQ iv~coN k~F id~qw
BweI mnI isMG jI sB is~KW nUM iek~Tw krnw cwhuMdy sn[ auhnW ny bhuq smJdwrI nwl
dohW dlW dw JgVw Kqm krvwieAw qy Kwlsw pMQ nUM joiVAw[ (435 Words)
Grammar Point 1: Plurals: Most of the Punjabi nouns, adjectives, and verbs change when they are
used as plurals. Some do not. Try to use a number with each noun to see how they change. iek is~K,
do is~K. The word Sikh does not change. There are many rules for changing singular words into
plurals. You will need to memorize these rules.
Singular to Plural Rules Examples Write the plurals
Rule 1: The masculine words that end in Mukta, gRMQ=
do not change when we make the plural: is~K= is~K Ssqr=
Rule 2: The masculine words that end in a iek~Tw=
‘Kanna’, lose the ‘Kanna’ and get a ‘Laanv’ when Kyfdw=
we make the plural: v~fw= v~fy
Rule 3: Many feminine (girl) words usually end bwxI=
in a Bihaari. When we change a feminine noun kuVI= kuVIAW lVweI=
to a plural, we add an Aida and a Kanna with a bONdlI = bONdlIAW swKI=
Rule 4: Some feminine nouns end in a Mukta (no bIV=
Matra). We add a Kanna and Bindi when we sMgq=
make them plurals. l~q= l~qW p~g=
Stepping Stones PSL Punjabi Reader 7A 2021 Edition Page 60