Page 102 - Here 8 TG
P. 102
Body Parts 身體部位 Colors 顏色
arm ˓ᑑ black ලЍٙ
ear ЀϢ blue ᔝЍٙ
eye ຒ green ၠЍٙ
feet ໔ልᅰ red ߎЍٙ
foot ໔ white ͣЍٙ
hand ˓ yellow රЍٙ
leg ၺ
mouth ᄘ
Countries 國家
nose ᄀɿ
Australia ዦɽлԭ
India Ιܓ
Clothes 衣物
Japan ˚͉
cap ಏଢస Singapore อ̋ս
coat ̮ࢁiɽВ Spain Гफ˫
dress ݱༀ Taiwan ၽᝄ
hat Ϟᗙٙసɿ the UK ߵ
jacket Ѱд the USA ߕ
jeans ˬ˺ፇ
pants ፇɿiڗፇ
shoes ቨልᅰ
shorts ፇ
skirt ɿ
T-shirt T ܮ
eighty-seven 87