Page 103 - Here 8 TG
P. 103

Daily Routines  生活作息

                 get up                     ৎґ                       brother              ࡩࡩiҔҔ

                 go to school               ɪኪ                       sister               ֎֎i֊֊

                 have lunch                 Φʹ᎛

                 go home                    Ϋ࢕                        Feelings   感覺

                 do my homework  ਂҢٙ̌ሙ
                                                                     angry                ͛ंٙ
                 take a shower              ૸क
                                                                     full                 ཱིٙ
                 go to bed                  ɪґွᙂ
                                                                     happy                Ҟᆀٙ

                                                                     hungry               Ԃɿቯٙ

                  Days of the Week  星期                               sad                  ෆːٙ

                 Sunday                     ݋ಂ˚                      thirsty              ɹಸٙ

                 Monday                     ݋ಂɓ                      tired                हଢ଼ٙ
                 Tuesday                    ݋ಂɚ

                 Wednesday                  ݋ಂɧ                       Food & Drinks   食物與飲料
                 Thursday                   ݋ಂ̬                      apple                 ᘼ؈

                 Friday                     ݋ಂʞ                      banana                ࠰ጼ
                 Saturday                   ݋ಂʬ                      bread                 ᙢ̍

                                                                     cake                  ஐጞ

                  Family   家人                                        chicken               ᕒЂ

                 father (dad)               هه                       hamburger             ဏఝ

                 mother (mom)               ෸෸                       hot dog               ᆠَ

                 grandfather                ๵๵i̮ʮ                    ice cream             Ώ૷૸

                 (grandpa)                                           juice                 ؈͒

                 grandmother                ̲̲i̮੏                    milk                  ˬ̲

                 (grandma)                                           noodles               ᙢૢ

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