Page 19 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
P. 19

                                                                            David Locker believes that “When
              How important is the label?
                                                                           selecting the right bean(s)-to-cup
                                                                           solution, operators should carefully
                                                                           consider factors like daily drink

                                                                           volume, digital interface
                                                                           capabilities, and connectivity to
                                                                           internet-of-things (IoT) platforms.
                                                                           The good news is that the bean(s)-
                         Bestir BM80 superautomatic                        to-cup market has seen
                                                                           tremendous innovation over the
                    David expanded, “At the core, the                      past 25 years, with many

                   term ‘bean(s)-to-cup’ can be used                       manufacturers now offering
                   interchangeably with ‘super-                            machines capable of consistently
                   automatic’ - both refer to machines                     producing high-quality espresso
                   that grind whole coffee beans, dose                     shots and expertly steamed milk -
                   the ground coffee, tamp it, and                         critical elements for crafting
                   extract the espresso shot, all at the                   delicious coffee drinks."
                   push of a button. This level of                          Summarising the responses from
                   automation is often appealing for                       our three leading business leaders
                   operators grappling with challenges                     in the ‘super-automatic/bean(s)-to-
                   like staffing shortages, high labour                    cup’ market it looks as though if you
                   costs, and limited counter space.                       push a button on a machine that
                   Unlike hybrid machines that may                         dispenses the finished drink directly
                   require some manual intervention,                       into the cup it will continue to be
                   true bean-to-cup/super-automatic                        seen – and called - a ‘bean(s)-to-cup’

                   models provide a completely hands-                      machine.
                   off espresso brewing experience."
                                                                            The business owner should know
                                                                           that the machine market is evolving

                                                                           very quickly, which will give
                                                                           everybody short- and long-term

                                                                            I will leave the final thoughts to
                                                                           Eversys UK Managing Director
                                                                           Deryck Gaffney, “I prefer fully
                                                                           automatic, (which was what the
                                                                           Italians first named them) or super
                                                                           automatic. Here at Eversys we refer
                                                                           to "super traditional."                  MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36

                    Bestir                                       Eversys UK ltd
                    Unit 2, Bestir Ltd, Insignia Park,           Unit 1, Royce Road Industrial Estate, Crawley
                    Luton Rd, Dunstable LU5 4LW                  West Sussex, RH10 9NX

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