Page 18 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
P. 18

                  How important
              Bean(s) to cup coffee equipment

                  is the label?

                   Our article in the March/April’24
                  edition of Something’s Brewing on
                  The super automatic world of bean
                  to cup, has created a few furrowed

                   Eversys UK Managing Director Deryck
                  Gaffney came back on the use of the
                  word ‘bean(s) to cup’. He said, “I feel
                  that grouping all coffee machines that
                  effectively change the beans from a
                  solid raw ingredient to an in cup
                  liquid beverage, should not all be
                  labelled "bean(s)-to-cup". He
                  continued, “Effectively a grinder and a
                  traditional machine is a bean to cup
                  system, but no one labels them in
                  that way."

                                                                              David Locker who is Managing
                  Eversys Shotmaster Pro Super Traditional                   Director of Bestir says, “The

                                                                             bean(s)-to-cup and super-
                   Understanding that Deryck had                             automatic espresso machine
                  exposed an area of debate that will                        market can be a complex and
                  continue to smoulder as the ‘bean(s)-                      confusing landscape for many
                  to-cup’ market grows. Operators                            operators. However,
                  crave the option to offer high-quality                     understanding the key                  MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36
                  coffee options without needing fully                       differences and capabilities of
                  trained baristas, we asked two other                       these machines is crucial for
                  leaders in the ‘bean(s) to cup’ market                     those looking to automate their
                  for their views.                                           coffee offerings."

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