Page 13 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
P. 13

BSA Member
                   ICE ICE Baby


                          Commercial ice machines have                      Ice Making

                         come a long way since John Gorrie                  Machine
                         first created them in 1845! These
                         days, most new commercial ice                      One of the advantages of having a
                                                                           commercial ice maker is that your
                         makers have all sorts of features               Bagged Ice vs
                         to give users the best and most                   business will significantly reduce
                                                                           the environmental impact, since
                         productive experience.                            bagged ice is a huge creator of

                                                                           plastic waste.

                           The cost of pre-pack bagged ice                and a Healthy One
                          has dramatically increased for
                          some time now. Not only is it                     In addition, they eliminate the
                          more expensive than ever, but we                 pollution and costs associated with
                          often find that there are supply                 transportation - producing the ice
                          shortages and those ice cubes                    in situ, with the convenience that
                          that are available are not always                this brings. Importantly, there are
                          of the best quality.                           A Sustainable Decision  no stock control issues or missed

                                                                            By creating ice cubes with filtered
                                                                            water, the result is a clean and,
                                                                            most importantly, safe product for

                                                                            In short, an ice maker is an option
                                                                            that has a positive impact on the
                                                                            environment, costs,, service levels
                                                                            and efficiency. Choosing an ice
                                                                            machine is an investment with
                                                                            many long-term advantages.

                                                                           If you have more questions or want
                                                                           us to help you choose the perfect
                                                                           ice machine for you, contact us at
                                                                                         MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36

                                                                             18 - 22 Birch Road East,
                                                                             Birmingham B6 7DB


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