Page 8 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
P. 8

BSA Networking
         Networking with the
         BSA & Beyond the Bean

          BSA members’ and             Guests were
         guests enjoyed another       provided with plenty     Over 25 BSA members’ and guests
         enjoyable afternoon          of drinks throughout     enjoyed a warm welcome at Beyond
         networking. This time it     the event, including     the Bean in Bristol
         was held at Beyond the       the latest product
         Bean in Bristol at the       launches, including
         end of April.                cocktails and
                                      mocktails from Bristol
          Beyond the Bean             Syrup Company,
         provided the
         opportunity to visit         The BSA’s next
         their Bristol Syrup          networking event is
         Company bottling plant       on the 25th July at
         and hear about the           Bestir in Dunstable.
         successful growth of         Further details are
         the business.                below.

                                                                                                                    MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36

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