Page 3 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
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         ON THE

          COVER                                                  02 EDITOR’S WELCOME
                                                                      An introduction from the Editor
                                                                 05 CHAIRMAN’S COMMENT
                                                                      Super automatics and service from a
                                                                 06 BREW TIME
                                                                      Take time out to read what you may
                                                                     have missed over the last few weeks
                                                                 07 BREW TIME
                                                                      Take time out to read what you may
                                                                     have missed over the last few weeks

                                                                 08 BSA NETWORKING
                                                                       Book the date in your diary for the BSA
                                                                      AGM 2024
                                                                 09  FOR CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER
                                                                     BWT AND MORE CAN HELP
                                                                      Choosing the right water not only helps
                                                                     keep your ice crystal clear but also aids
           The May/June edition is                                   your ice machine
         looking at many of the
         challenges within Hospitality                           13  ICE ICE BABY
         and how to overcome them                                    The cost of pre-pack bagged ice has
                                                                     dramatically increased for some time
                                                                 15  ROB ABRAHAMS JOINS JAGUAR
                                                                     ESPRESSO SOLUTIONS
                                                                      JES has strengthened its management
                                                                     team as it looks to the future
                                                                 20  A CASE STUDY OF ROBERTO
                                                                     MATA’S FARM (PART 4)
                                                                      Liam Worsley continues his story from
                                                                     Costa Rica
                        17                                       28 FARRER’S BARISTA
                                                                     CHAMPIONSHIP HEATS

                                                                     to announce that the first heats of their
         BEAN(S) TO CUP                                               Therefore, the team at Farrer’s is thrilled   MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36
         COFFEE EQUIPMENT                                            professional Barista Championships have
          Our article in the                                         now been completed
         March/April’24 edition of                               33 THE FPA INTRODUCE A NEW
         Something’s Brewing on The                                  INDEPENDENT COMPLIANCE
         super automatic world of                                    PROCEDURE
         bean to cup, has created a                                   A newly established FPA Regulatory and
         few furrowed brows.                                         Compliance Committee will be
                                                                     responsible for administering the
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