Page 7 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
P. 7


         Take time out to get in the know at what is happening
         in the hot beverages market

               Convection coffee roasters:
              How do they work?

                          Roasting technology has come a long way
                         over the past couple of decades. Now more
                         than ever, there are many different types of
                         roasters available on the market, with
                         machine features becoming even more
                         advanced and intuitive.
          Nonetheless, heat generation and recirculation still remain two of
         the most important factors – and both have a huge impact on how
         coffee is roasted and how flavours develop.
          As coffee professionals seek to exert as much control as possible
         over different variables, convection roasters have started to become
         more popular. In comparison to machines which rely on conduction
         or radiation to transfer and recirculate heat, convection roasters are
         typically more efficient and consistent.
          You can read the full article here which first appeared in Perfect
         Daily Grind on the 14th May 2024 and was written by Bhavi Patel
                                                                    Chloe Frost runs The Baking Suite in

              EPR data submissions and                              Bromham, Bedfordshire
              shortfall                                             Alex Pope/BBC
                                                                     An 18-year-old business owner said customers were
                          Are trade bodies doing enough?            left a little "shocked" when they mistook her for an
                          Although Defra isn’t issuing statements on the  employee instead of the boss.
                         packaging reforms during the pre-election
                         period, the close-off date for submitting   Chloe Frost has run The Baking Suite in Bromham,
                         packaging data remains unchanged, and full data  Bedfordshire, since October 2023.
                         should have been submitted by the 31st May   After gaining A*s in triple business at sixth form she
                         2024.                                      thought about becoming an apprentice or going to
          Media reports reveal ’significant shortfalls’ in businesses submitting  university, but decided to make the "brave" decision to start
         their data – and not just small and medium-sized businesses, but also  her own shop - and hopes to open more premises.
         some of the UK’s largest producers. Given Defra’s inadequate   She employs two members of staff who are older than her
         communication of the Single Use Plastic packaging bans, the FPA  and said "it just proves you can do it".
         wonders if a high number of the UK’s SMEs are even aware they are
         required to submit packaging data.                          Miss Frost said she had "always baked" and last summer
                                                                    started making celebration cakes at her family home in
          Of the UK’s 5.51 million SMEs, 36,000 have 50 to 249 employees and
         4,000 have 250 to 499 employees. Of course, not all are in food and  Wilstead.
         drink, but the data submission requirement applies to all sectors,   "I wasn't interested in university, I didn't want the debt,"
         including DIY, electronics, construction supplies, personal care and  she said. "I did look at apprenticeships, but I wanted to start
         more – all of which make use of packaging.                 with a cafe and see how it went."
          A review of business association websites reveals no mention of EPR   Her advice for anyone thinking of following her lead is to
         and data requirements. While most likely a smaller proportion of FSB  "research it" and seek out help and possible grants.
         members will be obligated under the legislation, there is no reference   "It can be high risk and high reward, but you've got to be MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36
         to packaging EPR on the FSB website, let alone guidance for its  prepared for it to fail," she said.
          The full article from the FPA web site can be read here. You can read   The full article was written by Alex Pope and appeared on
         more on EPR regualtions on the here.                the BBC web site on the 23rd April 2024.

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