Page 5 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
P. 5

Welcome to this latest
                  CHAIRMAN'S COMMENT
                     edition of “something’s
                     brewing” which is another
                     bumper issue.

                      I have been busy since the last
                     edition on BSA matters and I
                     am happy to report another
                     new member has joined us, so
                     welcome to Field Service
                     Solutions and the team,
                     pleased to have you in the BSA

                      We held another networking             Steve Slark, BSA Chairman & Peter Atmore,
                     event in Bristol at the excellent       BSA Director at the opening of the FRANKE
                     facilities of Beyond the Bean.          showroom
                     The event was extremely well            I recently experienced “the gap” if you like by
                     organised by the team there            paying nearly £10 for two coffees from a bean-to-
                     and well attended with people          cup machine passed to me out of a drive-through
                     coming from far and wide.              window one of which was warm at best, and bitter.

                      Director Peter Atmore and I            On the other end of the scale, I have recently
                     attended the grand opening of          visited a few coffee shops in the Hereford area and
                     the new Franke Coffee                  at one city centre location, I found the complete

                     Showroom in St Albans which            journey of the coffee from farm to cup proudly
                     was an interesting afternoon,          explained. The Barista was extremely capable,
                     with lots to see as well as a fun      knowledgeable, and engaging and for that, I paid
                     Barista challenge on super             £3.10 for a smooth, rich, and well-crafted cup.
                     automatic bean to cup
                     machines. You may say this is           Yes, I had to park the car, pay, walk, etc., but I
                     a contradiction in terms, but          enjoyed the experience and would return. My days
                     the operators were fully               of drive-through coffee are over I have to say.
                     trained baristas using their            Our next networking event in conjunction with the
                     own coffee blends setting up           BSA AGM will be held on the 25th of July at Bestir
                     the machines to provide what           in Dunstable. Please book the date in your diary.
                     most considered to be very
                     high standard coffee drinks.            I hope that you enjoy this latest addition and I
                                                            would enjoy hearing your comments or views.
                      The gap is certainly narrowing
                     between the various style              Please email me on
                     machines with different input or          MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36
                     required by the operator.              message me on 07711 087662 or still join our

                     Where I think the difference           vibrant Beverage Support Hub WhatsApp group.
                     lies is in the craft, knowledge
                     and creativity.                        Steve Slark

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