Page 10 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
P. 10

Something's Brewing Partner
              Choose the                                                                    BSA Member

              right water

                For crystal clear ice

                     Your local water, the manufacturer's
                    recommendations, and the quality of the ice
                    you wish to serve will all affect the water
                    treatment solution you ultimately choose. A
                    good quality filter will remove most of the
                    unwanted elements that may affect the taste

                    and odour of your water but won’t protect
                    your icemaker machine from the scale. A more
                    advanced option combining ion-exchange
                    treatment and carbon filtration is a good
                    starting point. Water softening can help and
                    offer excellent protection from limescale but
                    will still leave you with partially cloudy ice.

                      Reverse Osmosis will remove practically all of
                     the dissolved solids leaving you with ‘pure’
                     water and translucent ice. Combine your
                     choice of RO with a pre-filter, water softener,
                     and post-RO demineralisation cartridge for the
                     ultimate protection, quality, and customer
                     satisfaction. Or select one of the many
                     specialist single and multi-cartridge systems

                     available from manufacturers like BWT. If
                     you’re unsure, please ask your water
                     treatment specialist, their advice is often free.
                    How do I benefit?

                      The most common, important, and visible
                     benefit is ice that looks fabulous and
                     compliments the flavour of the drinks you
                     serve. One of the reasons ice can appear
                     cloudy is because of the hardness minerals in
                     your water.

                      Reducing the hardness of your water is a                                                      MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36
                     good start to making your ice clearer and
                     equipment work more efficiently for longer.
                     For better taste, consider using a filtered water

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