Page 27 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
P. 27
If a tree is super productive (i.e. Cafeology
Growing coffee
producing lots of cherries) it is
allocating more resources to growing
cherries and weakening its resources Finally, if coffee trees
devoted to defence. So controlling are stressed during
production by shade growing and harvest season (dry
pruning helps limit production within weather) the ground
the harvest season (which sounds stays dry, which helps
counterintuitive but a balanced good fungi to survive, so
production year on year is better than next season the trees
maximum production one year and come back stronger and
very little next year because your crop the harvest will be better
was overexploited). and more rust resistant.
Roberto’s family farm in Costa
Rica nestled in the valley
In part 4 Liam will look at the
challenges of coffee farming in
Costa Rica. This will cover
harvesting, pulping and pre-
Formed in 2003 to address the
requirements of ethically sourced Cafeology Limited MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36
beverages specific to the out-of-home Unit 4 Vantage Park 2
markets, the business has grown into one Coborn Avenue, Sheffield
of the largest independently owned coffee South Yorkshire S9 1DA
companies in the UK.