Page 7 - APPD_SB_2025_Features_List(6DEc25
P. 7

Half Page Advertisement
                                                                             BSA Members - £80.00 + VAT
                                                                           Non-Members - £160.00 + VAT

                                                        Quarter Page / Banner Advertisement

                                                               BSA Members - £55.00 + VAT
                                                              Non-Members - £110.00 + VAT
                   01279 780250

                            ADVERTISING DIMENSIONS

                            Format – PNG with high resolution

                      Full Page Ad; w: 2551 pixels x h: 3579 pixels

                       1/2 Page Ad; w: 2555 pixels x h: 1783 pixels

                        ¼ page; w: 2555 pixels x h: 890 pixels and

                            Banner; w: 479 pixels x h: 284 pixels.

          Contact Martyn at

                to book your advertising for single or regular insertions

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