Page 8 - SB_Summer_Drink_Recipes(Jul_Aug'23)
P. 8

Freddo Matcha Latte

                          A greek drink with lots of health benefits

           Items: 3

           Prep time : 8 mins

           Serving: 12oz


                5gr Matcha tea

                150 gr milk or alternative                      Dissolve the matcha tea in hot water
                milk ie Almond, Soya or Oat                     Place the dissolved Matcha in a

                                                                shaker and add the milk to it
                8 - 9 ice Cubes
                                                                Add brown sugar or sweetener
                                                                depending on the taste profile


                                                                Shake and blend the drink
                                                                Place the ice cubes in a tall glass                JULY/AUGUST. 2023 | ISSUE 31

                                                                Pour the Latte Matcha over the ice in

                                                                the glass and serve

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