Page 20 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 20

Next Generation Technology

      NEXT                  SAILING THE WINDS
GENERATION                       OF CHANGE

                              Learning from the drive for shore-based
                                  innovation will help shipping, says

                            Diane Gilpin, founder member of the newly
                            formed International Wind-Ship Association

                            BIG news from Tesla’s Elon Musk, chief        This maverick approach
                            executive of the electric car company,   positions him as the Steve Jobs of
                            who recently announced his company       the new innovation space — that is,
                            was offering affordable storage for      infrastructure not internet.
                            renewable energy.
                                                                          Maybe technology is where the
                                 Considered by many to be the        money’s at.
                            ‘game-changer’ in the transition to
                            wider use of renewables, Tesla’s home         Take Masdar in the UAE, an
                            battery packs make it possible for most  entirely renewable powered city is
                            homes to go ‘off-grid’ — storing solar   emerging in the middle of the desert.
                            energy for use when needed, not just     Effectively, it’s a massive research
                            when it’s sunny.                         facility to rapidly progress technology
                                                                     for sustainability, where ‘sustainability’
                                 It is a fundamental change to how   is defined as “matching energy supply
                            we think about energy; established       and demand”. Arrays of solar panels
                            economic models are changing.            capture thermal energy to drive
                                                                     refrigeration units to cool buildings.
                                 Renewable energy is just that
                            — renewable — and cannot be                   Their spokesperson says they
                            commoditised. No-one ‘owns’ it or        are good resource stewards for future
                            can trade it.                            generations. Strategically, there is
                                                                     anxiety about how fast fossil fuels
                                 Key in a more sustainable future    can be burned in order stay within the
                            is who owns the technology to harvest    internationally agreed two degrees
                            renewable energy at lowest cost for      warming target — the subject of the
                            maximum efficiency, and who drives       upcoming UNFCCC Paris conference.
                            the innovation.
                                                                          Rabid environmentalists at Morgan
                                 Mr Musk is famous for maintaining   Stanley, The Bank of England, Bank
                            a radical shared IP policy; he’s not     of America, The Church of England,
                            interested in owning patents, as         the Catholic Church, senior business
                            the velocity of innovation keeps his     leaders like Unilever boss Paul
                            business at the front of the pack.

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