Page 25 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 25

Next Generation Europe

The 30-something duo who founded bulk carrier specialist Auerbach
      Schifffahrt in 2010 have a degree of social media savviness

Alexander Tebbe and Lucius Bunk

THE YouTube footage tells you quite        probably best translates as ‘daredevils’,       “But they are more than string
a lot of what you need to know about       and she appears to be on to something.     puppets, and they are very smart.”
Alexander Tebbe and Lucius Bunk.
                                                The 30-something duo founded               Mr Bunk, in particular, is said to
     For a start, the fact it is there at  smaller bulk carrier specialist            speak fluent Chinese, having worked
all indicates a degree of social media     Auerbach Schifffahrt in 2010, at the       in China for a spell as head of Far
savviness still somewhat rare among        height of the downturn.                    East operations for tramp owner Ernst
Hamburg shipping types.                                                               Russ.
                                                But while Mr Bunk has memorably
     And the fact it is taken from a       described their endeavour as “just              In addition, both Mr Bunk and
regional television talk show, in which    two young fellows trying their luck,       Mr Tebbe are skilled in the art of
the two young men appear in casual         against all odds”, they are not            persuasion and know how to convince
clothes, happily talking capesize          quite doing it all on their own and        people, with marketing and public
freight rates with celebrity guests,       obviously benefit from outside equity      relations among their strong suits.
immediately marks them out as a            investment.
world away from the publicity-shy                                                          Auerbach has already purchased
patriarchs that still dominate many             “Many in Hamburg say they could       three secondhand vessels and has
German family shipping concerns.           only build up a shipping company that      financed two newbuildings, according
                                           quickly with the backing of traditional    to its website. They are still small yet,
     The hostess even bills them as        and rich Hamburg shipping families,”       but look to have the potential to go
‘Teufelskerle’, a colloquialism that       commented one local insider.               places.

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