Page 54 - Sanidhya_2024
P. 54


        # DOWN THE MEMORY LANE                                played world over with differ-
                                                              ent  names  like  gummytwist,
        In the laps of scenic Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan  Chinese  jump  rope  etc.  The
        is the picturesque city of Thimphu. The constricted,  game is typically played in a
        elongated  valley  with  wild  roses,  orchards,  a  group of at least three players
        sparkling  river  and  mountains.  At  the  foot  of  a  hill  with an elastic  about 5-6 me-
        lies Lungtenzampa School which has open spaces for  ters in length tied into a circle.
        children to play and do other co-curricular activities.  Two  players  face  each  other
        As a child back in the late eighties, I had friends from  standing  3-4  meters    apart,
        many parts of the world. Each of them brought with  and position the elastic around   Smt. Deepa Upadhyay,
        him/her, own language, culture, food and a variety of  their ankles so that it is taut. The   w/o Shri DP Upadhyay,
                                                                                                   DIG, COBRA
        games. A game I vividly remember and loved playing  third player stands between the
        was the “elastic” game. It is a low cost game made  two sides of the rope and tries to perform a designat-
        of sewing elastic or can be easily made with rubber  ed series of moves without making an error or paus-
        bands , entwining  one rubber band with the other.  ing. The third player or the jumper stands between
        Reminiscing about my childhood, I fondly recall my  the two sides of the rope and must perform a series
        classmates  a  British  boy  Andrew,  a  Nepalese  girl  of increasingly difficult moves without making an er-
        Prabina  ,  Bhutanese  boy  Sonam  Norbu  and  some  ror. The position of the string is raised as the jumper
        Indian  friends  like  Gulshan,  Ravi  and  Vikas  and  we  moves through the levels, from ankle to waist height
        all loved this elastic game. Each one of us got a few  and higher. Sometimes if a jumper has the ability to
        big rubber bands from his/her home and during the  jump very high the string is placed on arms raised
        games period we used to interweave one rubber band  overhead. These movements are great for stretching.
        into another, ensuring that it did not get entangled  Often a child gets so intrigued with the shapes the
        during  the  process  and  prepare  a  long  stretchable  rope can make that he or she stretches much harder
        rope. Then we used to take turns to play the game  than he/she would have otherwise.
        which  started  at  ankle  level  and  went  right  up  to  There are many rhymes that we used to sing while
        shoulder level. For the super champions of the game  playing, for example:
        the level went overhead too. This rope of rubber bands
        could hardly bear the assault of footfalls for a week  There are many rhymes that we used to sing while
        and would break from in between. It was again time  playing, for example
        to make a new one. Sometimes a generous mother
        of anyone of us would buy a few meters of sewing            “England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales
        elastic that was sturdier and would save us from the                   Inside, outside
        interweaving process. I remember  that when I had                     Puppy dogs’ tails
        the duty to carry the elastic or rubber band  with me I   Several counting chants were also used ,
        used to check it whether I had kept it in my bag before                      like
        leaving for school which was never the case with any            Charlie Chaplin sat on a pin
        book  or  notebook.  Sometimes  even  the  lunchbox            How many inches did it go in
        was forgotten at home but the endearing stretchable                One, two, three, four”
        rope was always carefully kept in the pocket of Kira,
        the traditional Bhutanese dress, we wore as uniform.   We  can  make  indigenous  version  of  this  game  by
        Enclosed here is a picture of the elastic game.       adding local rhymes, This game can also be used to
                                                              improve linguistics if we sing along tongue twisters
                                                              or small rhymes in local language or home language.

        Elastics    is  a  yard  game  or  an  outdoor  game  that
        needs little space and is low cost too. It just needs
        a few meters of elastic and willing feet. This game is
        a combination of hopscotch and jumping ropes. It is
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