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alence of poverty and malnutrition in India.          raj institutions to understand TB issues and take nec-
        Fourth, Comorbidities. The disease prognosis in pa-   essary actions.
        tients with diabetes, HIV, Smoking and Chronic Ob-    The major findings of India Tuberculosis report 2024
        structive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is even poorer as  by Health ministry said that notified TB patients were
        these  comorbidities  increase  respiratory  infections,  25.52 lakh in 2023(increase from 24.22 lakh cases in
        increases  complications,  decreases  recovery  poten-  2022), 67% reporting of cases done by the public sec-
        tial, and increases disease morbidity and mortality. In  tor and 33% from private sector, treatment success
        a study in Chennai in 2012 it was found that prev-    rate among notified drug resistant TB is 65%. Talking
        alence  of  Diabetes  in  TB  patients  was  around  25%  of achievements, Target of initiating treatment in 95%
        showing the strong affinity of both.                  of patients diagnosed with the infection was achieved
                                                              in 2023, Decline of incidence of TB was 16% in com-
        Fifth,  High  Treatment  costs.  The  government  pro-  parison to 2015, Reduction in mortality was 18% in
        vides free TB treatment but poor accessibility com-   comparison to 2015, Increase in proportion of noti-
        pels one to resort to private sector for treatment. The  fied TB patients receiving financial support through
        cost varies from 25,000 to 30,000 rupees and can go  Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) was 70% (as against a
        even  higher  in  cases  of                                                     target of 90% by 2023).
        Drug-resistant  TB  where
        basic  TB  medicines  fail.                                                     The nation is working to-
        WHO  says  India  has  the                                                      wards  TB  free  India  but
        highest incidence burden                                                        there  are  further  steps
        of  MDR  (multi  drug  re-                                                      that need to be taken like
        sistance) TB in the world                                                       enabling  early  detection
        causing patients and their                                                      by ramping up health in-
        families  suffer  financially                                                   frastructure, Precise treat-
        too.                                                                            ment categorization such
                                                                                        as  resistant  status  at  the
        Sixth,   High   drop-out                                                        beginning  of  treatment,
        rates.  Inability  to  com-                                                     Ensuring  regular  follow
        plete the full TB treatment                                                     up,  Strengthening  nutri-
        course due to migration,                                                        tional support to patients,
        absence of regular follow                                                       Dynamic      Notification
        up and poor compliance                                                          system  for  improved  no-
        by patient prevents the cure of disease and only pro-  tification  system  to  capture  real-time  TB  data,  De-
        motes severe relapse of disease.                      centralization of TB service delivery to the level of ‘
        After knowing the challenges, it is also important to  Ayushman  Arogya  Mandirs’,  Increase  investment  in
        know  what  government  is  doing  to  control  tuber-  TB (every dollar spent on screening of TB , there is
        culosis.    The  National  Tuberculosis  Elimination  Pro-  potential benefit of $39- WHO).
        gramme (NTEP) aims to reduce TB burden by 2025,
        five years ahead of global target of 2030 (to reduce TB  Hence  the  path  to  TB  elimination  in  India  requires
        incidence by 80%, TB deaths by 90% and reduce TB  concerted effort to prioritize individual centered care,
        affected families facing catastrophic cost). We also ‘TB  address social determinants of health and embrace
        Haarega Desh Jeetega’ campaign to promote aware-      innovation.  By  adopting  a  holistic  approach,  India
        ness about the disease. Nikshay (Ni = end, Kshay=  can overcome the barriers that stand in the way of TB
        TB) portal has been launched by the government to  control and create a healthier future for all its citizens.
        keep track of patients. Nikshay Poshan Abhiyaan has
        been launched to provide financial incentive for TB
        patients  registered  on  Nikshay  portal.  PM  TB  Mukt
        Bharat Abhiyaan launched for additional patient sup-
        port, augment community involvement and leverage
        Corporate  Social  Responsibility  (CSR)  activities.  TB
        Mukt Panchayat initiative for empowering panchayati
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