Page 10 - tenant handbook final_Neat
P. 10

           Red Door Housing Society, (RDHS) will not tolerate any kind of dis-
           crimination or harassment against a person because of their race,
           colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family sta-
           tus, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, age or law-
           ful source of income.  RDHS is committed to confronting and working
           with those who are involved in discriminatory actions.
           RDHS supports the development and implementation of policies,
           practices and programs that support the rights and freedoms en-

           shrined in the BC Human Rights Code, and which promotes and fos-
           ters an environment which emphasizes tolerance, equality and non
           discrimination.  To accomplish this, it is important that everyone has

           an understanding of this policy

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