Page 12 - tenant handbook final_Neat
P. 12

6. SATELLITE DISHES: Red Door does not permit satellite dishes to be attached

         to any structure owned by Red Door Housing.

         7. SUBSIDY: Tenants whose rent is subsidized must complete an income review

         annually. The required documents are not optional and must be produced by

         the date stated on the annual review letter. If documents are not received and a

         final notice is issued you will be issued a 2 month notice to vacate for not quali-
         fying for a subsidized unit. We take this process very seriously and will not toler-

         ate fraud. If income is not declared or a person is living in a unit illegally we will
         end the tenancy.

         8. MAINTENANCE REQUESTS: All maintenance requests must be filled out

         online in the tenants section of our website. These requests are logged and

         monitored and a work request is produced. No verbal requests will be respond-

         ed to except in emergencies.

         9. STORAGE LOCKERS: Some of our sites have external storage lockers that

         are available to tenants on a first come basis. We have a wait list at some sites.

         There must be no flammable or toxic substances stored in the lockers and noth-

         ing can be stored outside around or above the lockers. Items outside or on top

         of the lockers will be considered trash and taken away. If any dangerous goods

         are found stored the tenant will no longer have use of the locker.

         10. PARKING : All parking spots will be assigned by the property manager and
         a vehicle registration must be produced annually. No unlicensed vehicles will be

         allowed on any Red Door Housing sites. The registration must be in the regis-
         tered tenants or occupants name. If your parking space is part of your tenancy

         agreement there will only be a charge for an additional parking space if availa-

         ble. Parking stalls must be kept clean and cannot be used for any storage. Any

         articles left in the parking space will be removed at the owners cost. This in-

         cludes parkades and carports. TENANTS DO NOT PARK IN THE VISITORS SPOTS


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