Page 148 - down-and-out-in-paris-and-london
P. 148

old man was half frantic between greed and fear. His bowels
       yearned at the thought of getting, perhaps, fifty thousand
       francs’  profit,  and  yet  he  could  not  bring  himself  to  risk
       the money. He used to sit in a comer with his head in his
       hands, groaning and sometimes yelling out in agony, and
       often he would kneel down (he was very pious) and pray for
       strength, but still he couldn’t do it. But at last, more from
       exhaustion than anything else, he gave in quite suddenly;
       he slit open the mattress where his money was concealed
       and handed over six thousand francs to the Jew.
          The Jew delivered the cocaine the same day, and prompt-
       ly vanished. And meanwhile, as was not surprising after the
       fuss Roucolle had made, the affair had been noised all over
       the quarter. The very next morning the hotel was raided and
       searched by the police.
          Roucolle and the Pole were in agonies. The police were
       downstairs,  working  their  way  up  and  searching  every
       room in turn, and there was the great packet of cocaine on
       the table, with no place to hide it and no chance of escap-
       ing down the stairs. The Pole was for throwing the stuff out
       of the window, but Roucolle would not hear of it. Charlie
       told me that he had been present at the scene. He said that
       when they tried to take the packet from Roucolle he clasped
       it to his breast and struggled like a madman, although he
       was seventy-four years old. He was wild with fright, but he
       would go to prison rather than throw his money away.
          At last, when the police were searching only one floor be-
       low, somebody had an idea. A man on Roucolle’s floor had a
       dozen tins of face-powder which he was selling on commis-

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