Page 145 - down-and-out-in-paris-and-london
P. 145

its power to set up enormous treadmills of boredom, such
           as ‘smart’ hotels.
              To sum up. A PLONGEUR is a slave, and a wasted slave,
           doing stupid and largely unnecessary work. He is kept at
           work, ultimately, because of a vague feeling that he would
           be dangerous if he had leisure. And educated people, who
           should be on his side, acquiesce in the process, because they
           know  nothing  about  him  and  consequently  are  afraid  of
           him. I say this of the PLONGEUR because it is his case I
           have been considering; it would apply equally to number-
           less  other  types  of  worker.  These  are  only  my  own  ideas
           about the basic facts of a PLONGEUR’S life, made without
           reference to immediate economic questions, and no doubt
           largely platitudes. I present them as a sample of the thoughts
           that are put into one’s head by working in an hotel.

           1                        Down and Out in Paris and London
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