Page 151 - madame-bovary
P. 151

              ‘Where is the cure?’ asked Madame Bovary of one of the
            lads, who was amusing himself by shaking a swivel in a hole
           too large for it.
              ‘He is just coming,’ he answered.
              And  in  fact  the  door  of  the  presbytery  grated;  Abbe
           Bournisien appeared; the children, pell-mell, fled into the
              ‘These young scamps!’ murmured the priest, ‘always the
              Then,  picking  up  a  catechism  all  in  rags  that  he  had
            struck with is foot, ‘They respect nothing!’ But as soon as
           he caught sight of Madame Bovary, ‘Excuse me,’ he said; ‘I
            did not recognise you.’
              He  thrust  the  catechism  into  his  pocket,  and  stopped
            short, balancing the heavy vestry key between his two fin-
              The light of the setting sun that fell full upon his face
           paled the lasting of his cassock, shiny at the elbows, unrav-
            elled at the hem. Grease and tobacco stains followed along
           his broad chest the lines of the buttons, and grew more nu-
           merous the farther they were from his neckcloth, in which
           the massive folds of his red chin rested; this was dotted with
           yellow spots, that disappeared beneath the coarse hair of his
            greyish beard. He had just dined and was breathing noisily.
              ‘How are you?’ he added.
              ‘Not well,’ replied Emma; ‘I am ill.’
              ‘Well, and so am I,’ answered the priest. ‘These first warm
            days weaken one most remarkably, don’t they? But, after all,

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