Page 351 - madame-bovary
P. 351

his wounds, and he fell back into the mud with a yell. Then
           the, passengers in the ‘Hirondelle’ ended by falling asleep,
            some with open mouths, others with lowered chins, leaning
            against their neighbour’s shoulder, or with their arm passed
           through the strap, oscillating regularly with the jolting of
           the  carriage;  and  the  reflection  of  the  lantern  swinging
           without, on the crupper of the wheeler; penetrating into the
           interior through the chocolate calico curtains, threw san-
            guineous shadows over all these motionless people. Emma,
            drunk with grief, shivered in her clothes, feeling her feet
            grow colder and colder, and death in her soul.
              Charles  at  home  was  waiting  for  her;  the  ‘Hirondelle’
           was always late on Thursdays. Madame arrived at last, and
            scarcely kissed the child. The dinner was not ready. No mat-
           ter! She excused the servant. This girl now seemed allowed
           to do just as she liked.
              Often her husband, noting her pallor, asked if she were
              ‘No,’ said Emma.
              ‘But,’ he replied, ‘you seem so strange this evening.’
              ‘Oh, it’s nothing! nothing!’
              There were even days when she had no sooner come in
           than she went up to her room; and Justin, happening to be
           there, moved about noiselessly, quicker at helping her than
           the  best  of  maids.  He  put  the  matches  ready,  the  candle-
            stick,  a  book,  arranged  her  nightgown,  turned  back  the
              ‘Come!’ said she, ‘that will do. Now you can go.’
              For he stood there, his hands hanging down and his eyes

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