Page 428 - madame-bovary
P. 428

soning, and work it up into an article for the ‘Fanal,’ without
       counting the people who were waiting to get the news from
       him; and when the Yonvillers had all heard his story of the
       arsenic that she had mistaken for sugar in making a vanilla
       cream. Homais once more returned to Bovary’s.
          He found him alone (Monsieur Canivet had left), sitting
       in an arm-chair near the window, staring with an idiotic
       look at the flags of the floor.
         ‘Now,’  said  the  chemist,  ‘you  ought  yourself  to  fix  the
       hour for the ceremony.’
         ‘Why? What ceremony?’ Then, in a stammering, fright-
       ened voice, ‘Oh, no! not that. No! I want to see her here.’
          Homais, to keep himself in countenance, took up a wa-
       ter-bottle on the whatnot to water the geraniums.
         ‘Ah! thanks,’ said Charles; ‘you are good.’
          But  he  did  not  finish,  choking  beneath  the  crowd  of
       memories that this action of the druggist recalled to him.
         Then to distract him, Homais thought fit to talk a little
       horticulture:  plants  wanted  humidity.  Charles  bowed  his
       head in sign of approbation.
         ‘Besides, the fine days will soon be here again.’
         ‘Ah!’ said Bovary.
         The druggist, at his wit’s end, began softly to draw aside
       the small window-curtain.
         ‘Hallo! there’s Monsieur Tuvache passing.’
          Charles repeated like a machine—-
         ‘Monsieur Tuvache passing!’
          Homais did not dare to speak to him again about the
       funeral arrangements; it was the priest who succeeded in
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