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P. 107

he was little better than an infidel he would have been lost;
           he believed implicitly in pain everlasting, he believed in it
           much more than in eternal happiness; and he shuddered at
           the dangers he had run.
              Since the day on which Mr. Perkins had spoken kindly
           to him, when he was smarting under the particular form of
            abuse which he could least bear, Philip had conceived for
           his headmaster a dog-like adoration. He racked his brains
           vainly for some way to please him. He treasured the smallest
           word of commendation which by chance fell from his lips.
           And when he came to the quiet little meetings in his house
           he was prepared to surrender himself entirely. He kept his
            eyes fixed on Mr. Perkins’ shining eyes, and sat with mouth
           half open, his head a little thrown forward so as to miss no
           word. The ordinariness of the surroundings made the mat-
           ters they dealt with extraordinarily moving. And often the
           master, seized himself by the wonder of his subject, would
           push back the book in front of him, and with his hands
            clasped together over his heart, as though to still the beat-
           ing, would talk of the mysteries of their religion. Sometimes
           Philip did not understand, but he did not want to under-
            stand, he felt vaguely that it was enough to feel. It seemed
           to him then that the headmaster, with his black, straggling
           hair and his pale face, was like those prophets of Israel who
           feared not to take kings to task; and when he thought of the
           Redeemer he saw Him only with the same dark eyes and
           those wan cheeks.
              Mr. Perkins took this part of his work with great seri-
            ousness. There was never here any of that flashing humour

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