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P. 162

membering  their  brother  of  France,  went  about  with  an
       uneasy crick in their necks; and perhaps that passion for
       liberty  which  passed  through  Europe,  sweeping  before  it
       what  of  absolutism  and  tyranny  had  reared  its  head  dur-
       ing the reaction from the revolution of 1789, filled no breast
       with a hotter fire. One might fancy him, passionate with
       theories  of  human  equality  and  human  rights,  discuss-
       ing,  arguing,  fighting  behind  barricades  in  Paris,  flying
       before the Austrian cavalry in Milan, imprisoned here, ex-
       iled from there, hoping on and upborne ever with the word
       which seemed so magical, the word Liberty; till at last, bro-
       ken with disease and starvation, old, without means to keep
       body and soul together but such lessons as he could pick
       up from poor students, he found himself in that little neat
       town under the heel of a personal tyranny greater than any
       in Europe. Perhaps his taciturnity hid a contempt for the
       human race which had abandoned the great dreams of his
       youth and now wallowed in sluggish ease; or perhaps these
       thirty years of revolution had taught him that men are unfit
       for liberty, and he thought that he had spent his life in the
       pursuit of that which was not worth the finding. Or maybe
       he was tired out and waited only with indifference for the
       release of death.
          One day Philip, with the bluntness of his age, asked him
       if it was true he had been with Garibaldi. The old man did
       not seem to attach any importance to the question. He an-
       swered quite quietly in as low a voice as usual.
         ‘Oui, monsieur.’
         ‘They say you were in the Commune?’

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